
The types of services provided by William A. Messina, CPA, PC are listed below. Details and explanations of specific services are found through the links. This list of services is not all-inclusive. If you do not see a service listed, please contact us. If we cannot provide the service to you personally, we would be pleased to refer you to a qualified professional in our business network.

Accounting & Financial Statement Preparation
Whether you want to process your data in-house or off-site, we can assist you in meeting your recording and compliance requirements.

Tax Planning & Compliance
We can help you minimize your taxes and maximize your financial resources. It is your right to pay the least amount of tax permissible by law. Our tax planning at year-end and throughout the year will help make that possible. 

Strategic Consulting & Planning
From choosing the correct business entity, to developing a budget and business plan, we can help you begin your entrepreneurial journey on the right path or make sure that you are still on the right path to achieve your goals..

Retirement & Family Estate Planning
Whether you are 20, 40 or 60, it is never too late to plan for your retirement. Our firm and its affiliates can help you put a financial plan in place that will give you and your family peace of mind and insure the enjoyment of your golden years.
Inheritance Tax Planning & Preparation
Our estate planning services can help you minimize the bite of federal and state inheritance taxes and preserve more of your estate for your heirs. If you would like to spare your relatives or friends the emotional and mental stress of dealing with your estate, ask about our Executor Services